The economic operation of China's electronic information industry from January to September 2017

China Electronic Information Industry Federation 本站 2017-11-10 372

 2017Last year, China's macroeconomic operation continued to improve, the supply is running smoothly, the internal demand is picking up, the people's livelihood indicators are bright, the price level is moderate, and the industrial economic growth and transformation and upgrading have achieved remarkable results。The electronic information industry is prominent in the national industry, the growth rate of production and investment remains ahead, the import and export of foreign trade gradually tends to stabilize, the adjustment of industrial structure continues to deepen, and the supporting role continues to strengthen。

1. Production growth remained stable at a high level

 1-9In October, the value added of the electronics manufacturing industry increased13.9%The growth rate is higher than the national industrial average7.2A percentage point lower than the first quarter1It is the same as in the first half of the year and has entered a stage of steady growth。In terms of the growth rate of added value of sub-industries, battery manufacturing (26.0%), electronic component manufacturing (14.1%), special instrument manufacturing (15.9%) and other electronic equipment manufacturing (21.5%The growth rate of added value of other industries is ahead of the evaluation level of the whole industry;And computer manufacturing (7.2%), Audio-visual equipment manufacturing (0.1%The growth rate of added value of traditional machine industries is low, showing that the structural adjustment of the electronic information manufacturing industry is further sustained and deepened。

(2) Industrial investment grew rapidly

 1-9In October, the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry completed fixed asset investment9191100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase25.3%The growth rate is higher than the average level of the manufacturing industry in the same period21.1Percentage point。By sector, investment in the electronic device industry grew rapidly, including semiconductor discrete device manufacturing and electronic vacuum device manufacturing, respectively100%以上。In the whole machine industry, the communication equipment industry and home audio-visual investment grew rapidly, and the growth rate exceeded30%Investment in the computer industry increased slightly。

3. The growth rate of foreign trade continued to pick up

 1-9Exports of high-tech products in China4611$100 million, up from a year earlier8.9%;进口4162$100 million, up from a year earlier11.2%。After the decline in the second quarter, the growth rate of industry imports and exports continued to rise in the third quarter。In terms of main products, exports of mobile phones and their parts, computers, liquid crystal display boards and integrated circuits reached respectively1026Billions of dollars,1122Billions of dollars,190Hundred million dollars and471$100 million, up from a year earlier6.1%15.4%2.5%7.9%

4. Efficiency improved slightly

 1-9In October, the main business income of the electronics manufacturing industry reached97322100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase14.5%Total profit4904100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase17.0%。The profit margin of main business income is5.04%Compared with the same period last year0.13Percentage point。9At the end of the month, the main business costs of the whole industry increased13.8%, accounts receivable growth15.1%Inventories of finished goods increased13.4%Compared with the growth rate of revenue and profit of the industry in the same period, it is in the normal range。

 The fourth quarter is expected in the national economyStable and soundIn the background, the electronic information industry will also continue to maintain a stable operation, and the added value of the industry will increase throughout the year14%Around, investment growth20%Above, export growth9%左右。