Shantou social welfare Center

本站 本站 2013-09-22 313

The construction site is located in Haojiang DistrictShichejie Hongxing Village mainly carries out multi-form and multi-level care services for the elderly and the reception and placement of orphaned and disabled children in urban areas. It is a multi-functional and socialized new community comprehensive social welfare institution integrating accommodation, discipline, entertainment, medical treatment, rehabilitation and hospice care。The total area of the project is l26.151 acres, the planned total investment of about 200 million yuan, planning to arrange a total of 2000 beds, including 400 beds for children, 1600 beds for the elderly, the proposed construction area of about 8.30,000 square meters, planning and designing four functional areas of child rearing, ordinary elderly care, apartment elderly care, rehabilitation center and comprehensive building, club logistics service department and other public buildings。The total amount of the project is 200 million yuan。

Project contact name: Zheng Dingming 0754-88392020